287 GRE Score – Is 287 a Good GRE Score?

Curious about what a 287 GRE Score might mean for your graduate school application?

  • Understanding GRE Scoring: Breathe easy as we unpack the 260 to 340 grading scale of the GRE and contextualize your 287 score.
  • Admission Potential: Find out if a 287 GRE score is a golden ticket or hurdle for your dream graduate program.
  • Score Improvement Tips: Gain actionable insights to boost your current 287 GRE score and enhance your profile.

So, let’s navigate this key component in your graduate school journey – the 287 GRE score.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a crucial component of the graduate school admissions process. It is a comprehensive test that gauges your analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning acumen. For those who have never taken the GRE, understanding the scoring scale can be a bit complex. Here’s what you need to know.

The Structure of The GRE

The structure of the GRE is divided into three main sections: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning.

  • Analytical Writing: This section consists of two separately timed tasks of 30 minutes each. One task is to “Analyze an Issue” and the other is to “Analyze an Argument”.
  • Verbal Reasoning: This section is split into two subsections, each containing 20 questions to be completed in 30 minutes. The section aims to evaluate your ability to analyze and draw conclusions from discourse, reason from incomplete data, understand multiple levels of meaning, and summarize text among other related skills.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Similar to the Verbal Reasoning section, this also consists of two subsections, each with 20 questions to be completed within 35 minutes. The aim of this section is to assess your basic mathematical skills, understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, and ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems.

The Scoring Scale

GRE scores for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections range from 130 to 170, in one-point increments. This makes the composite score, which is the sum of these two sections, range between 260 and 340. The Analytical Writing section, on the other hand, is scored on a scale of 0 to 6, in half-point increments.

This broad scoring scale offers a detailed understanding of a candidate’s academic skill. However, the most relevant question for you might be less about understanding the scale and more about determining a “good” GRE score for your personal graduate school goals.

Is 287 a Good GRE Score?

The first thing to consider is what a “good” GRE score means for you and your goals for grad school. While a particular score may be average for one person, it can be an excellent result for another, and vice versa.

The Average GRE Score

To understand if 287 is a good GRE score for you, it will be beneficial to know the average GRE scores. The average GRE scores for Verbal and Quantitative sections are 150 and 153 respectively, both slightly above the midpoint of the score range. Respectively, they add up to around 303.

Accordingly, a score of 287 falls below the average composite GRE score. As such, many would interpret it as a low GRE score. Nevertheless, do remember that ‘average’ indicates what most people score, not necessarily what your target score should be.

Your Goals and Your GRE Score

So, is a 287 a good GRE score? The answer—that depends! Although 287 is lower than the mean GRE scores, labels like “good” or “bad” are primarily subjective and can be misleading. What truly matters is the competitive nature and requirements of your chosen graduate program. Therefore, a “good” GRE score is one that gets you into the graduate program of your choice.

It is essential to research your targeted programs well, determine the average GRE scores of admitted students, and strive to meet or surpass those scores.

Is 287 a Bad GRE Score?

Although 287 is lower than average, it may not necessarily be a “bad” GRE score. This greatly depends on your personal goals and the programs to which you’re applying.

When you begin to consider a GRE score “bad” largely relies on the GRE score distribution of your targeted graduate school program, considering factors like competitiveness and average admission scores.

The Lower Percentiles

Typically, scores considered low typically fall in the 25th percentile or lower. A breakdown of these scores indicates that anything less than 145 for the Verbal section and less than 147 for the Quantitative section could be deemed relatively low.

To determine whether a 287 is a bad score for you, you should look at the median scores of your targeted graduate programs. If the average scores are significantly higher than your 287, then it could be considered a relatively low score.

How Hard is It to Get a 287 GRE Score?

The level of difficulty in achieving a rating of 287 on the GRE is highly subjective and dependent on an individual’s academic aptitude and preparation level.

Required Preparation

It’s advisable that you prepare for the GRE for a duration of 1-3 months. This will provide enough time to become familiar with the test format, question types, and rules, including timing and breaks. Part of this preparation should also involve taking practice tests.

Understanding the GRE test format is crucial. It won’t be just math or vocabulary questions. Your skills in analyzing and evaluating written material, thinking critically, and solving problems will also be tested. As such, the test requires for a comprehensive range of skills and studying is critical.

Test-Taking strategies

Another aspect that can influence your score is how well you employ test-taking strategies. For instance, understanding the timing of the test, knowing when to guess on a question, and when to skip it can all influence your final score.

To sum up, achieving a 287 might not be the most challenging task with the right preparation*.

Can You Get into Business School with a 287 GRE Score?

Getting into a business school with a 287 GRE score depends on various factors. For your reference, the average GRE score for admitted students at the top 50 business schools generally falls around 320. To further elaborate on this, let’s delve into a few points.

Understanding the Acceptance Criteria:

When applying to business schools, GRE scores are just one of many factors considered during the application review process. Other factors include:

  • Your GPA: Your undergraduate GPA reflects your academic performance, which is certainly a determining factor for business school acceptance.
  • Work Experience: This is especially crucial for business school. Relevant and rich work experience can sometimes compensate for a lower GRE score.
  • Letters of Recommendation: A strong recommendation from a credible source can also significantly impact your application.
  • Statement of Purpose: An engaging and compelling statement can provide context to your journey and aspirations and influence the decision-making process.

The Holistic Admission Approach:

Most universities follow a comprehensive or holistic admission approach. As such, while GRE scores are important, and a high score can strengthen your application, it does not guarantee admission. Conversely, a low GRE score doesn’t necessarily mean an automatic rejection. If other aspects of your application are strong, you may still have a chance at admission even with a GRE score of 287.

Considering Lower-Ranking or Specialized Programs:

Admission requirements can vary significantly across programs. If you’re flexible with your choice, you could consider lower-ranking programs or specialized programs that may accept a 287 GRE score.

Should You Cancel a 287 GRE Score?

Debating whether to cancel your GRE score or not is quite a conundrum. However, to make this decision, you need to understand the implications of cancelling your GRE score, the possibility and process of retaking the test, and how a score of 287 aligns with your target schools.

Understanding Score Cancellation:

ETS allows you to see your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores at the test center, following which you decide whether to accept or cancel your scores. However, if you cancel your scores, they will not be reported to you or any score recipients, and no refunds will be made for any fee paid for the test or services.

Retaking the GRE:

ETS allows you to take the GRE up to 5 times within 365 consecutive days, so, there are opportunities to improve your score if you are unsatisfied with a 287 score. It would be best to consider if you have adequate time to prepare and retake the test.

The 287 Score and Your Prospects:

Understanding how a 287 aligns with the GRE score ranges of your targeted schools should ultimately guide whether you should cancel your score or not. For instance, if a 287 score is significantly below your plan’s average, you may consider cancelling the score and preparing to take the test again.

Tips to Improve Your 287 GRE Score

Flummoxed by your 287 GRE score and yearning for improvement? A methodical approach to preparing for your test can significantly enhance your GRE score. Here’s how you can start:

Understand the Format:

A strong grasp of the GRE format can arm you with the confidence needed to navigate each section of the test. Be aware of the number of sections, types of questions, and the time allocated for each.

Focus on Your Weak Areas:

Analyzing your performances in the practice tests can highlight your strengths and weaknesses. Do additional practice on the areas you find challenging.

Practice, Practice, and More Practice:

GRE is a test that rewards practice. Regular and systematic practice can significantly enhance your score. This includes taking timed practice tests to simulate the actual test environment.

Time Management:

Learning how to manage your time effectively during the test can undoubtedly improve your score. Develop a strategy to tackle each section within the stipulated time, and practice implementing this strategy.

Use Resources Wisely:

Leverage the plethora of resources available for GRE preparation, such as official ETS GRE books, other reputable GRE prep books, online forums, and preparation guides.

287 GRE Score to GMAT

A 287 GRE score roughly translates to a 450 GMAT score using the GRE to GMAT score conversion chart. Keep in mind that these conversions are approximate, and how business schools interpret these scores can significantly vary.

Understanding the Conversion:

ETS provides an official tool to convert GRE scores to GMAT scores, and according to this conversion tool, a 287 GRE score will align to a GMAT total score of approximately 450.

Implications for Business School Applications:

While some business schools accept either the GRE or GMAT, others may have a preference. A GMAT score of 450 falls in the lower percentiles, so if you’re considering applying to competitive business schools, you will likely need to improve this score.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

While a 287 GRE score might not initially seem promising, remember it’s just one element in the comprehensive pool that forms your graduate application. While striving for improvement is integral, remember not to let a test score entirely define your potential. Embrace your score, put your best foot forward, chalk out a robust game plan, and chart your path towards your coveted institution. Trust this guide to aid you, and let your confidence and aspirations drive you towards your business school journey. Seize the day, and best of luck!

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