263 GRE Score – Is 263 a Good GRE Score?

Curious about the challenges and opportunities related to a 263 GRE Score? Let’s decode and understand it better.

  • Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: Explore how the scale ranges from 260 to 340 and where a 263 GRE score stands.
  • Implications of a 263 GRE Score: Unpack what this score means, is it classified as a low score, and its percentile position.
  • Strategies for Improving a 263 GRE Score: Discover targeted approaches that can help improve your 263 GRE score.

Sift through the layers of implications surrounding a 263 GRE Score for your business school journey.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The overall scoring system of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is measured on a scale that spans from 260 to 340 points. This scale covers the two main GRE sections: Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. Each section has its distinct scoring range: the lowest amount of points a test-taker can achieve is 130, while the highest possible score is a perfect 170.

Verbal Reasoning Score

Verbal Reasoning seeks to evaluate a candidate’s ability to comprehend, evaluate, and critically analyze complex written materials. It’s a vital tool for assessing your preparedness for graduate-level studies, where your language and comprehension skills will be constantly put to the test.

Quantitative Reasoning Score

This section of the GRE assesses a student’s problem-solving skills, with a focus on quantitative information. It’s especially important for fields where numbers dominate, such as engineering, physics, and of course, mathematics.

Analytical Writing Score

Though it doesn’t count towards the 260-340 score range, it’s worth mentioning the Analytical Writing measure. This section isn’t factored into the overall score, but it’s independently scored on a scale of 0-6.

In essence, the weight of your GRE score—high or low—will largely depend on your targeted schools and programs.

Is 263 a Good GRE Score?

The common saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” holds true for GRE scores—what one program deems as a good score might be seen as less remarkable by another. Understanding whether a GRE score of 263 is deemed ‘good’ can vary greatly based on factors such as the program you intend to join and the percentile rank associated with that score.

Perception of ‘Good’ Score

A ‘good’ GRE score typically refers to a score that would place you in the running for your desired graduate school programs. According to ETS, the company that administers the GRE, in recent years, the average scores for the Verbal and Quantitative sections have been approximately 150 and 153 respectively.

Therefore, a ‘good’ score would usually be considered to lie somewhat above this average. For instance, scores like 159 on Verbal Reasoning or 163 on Quantitative Reasoning would be viewed as competitive since they place candidates in approximately the top 20% of all test-takers.

Varied Expectations Across Programs

Keep in mind that individual graduate programs might have different expectations for Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning scores. For example, a math-intensive program would likely place more importance on the Quantitative score. Hence, scoring lower on this section would be a detrimental factor when applying for such a program.

With this in mind, a score of 263 could be seen as underwhelming, but certain programs might not penalize it as severely as others.

Emphasis on Other Factors

Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that while your GRE scores are important, they’re not the only measure of your potential that admission committees consider. Other factors like GPA, personal statements, letters of recommendation, work experience, among others, play a crucial role in shaping your application’s success. In this respect, a GRE score of 263 might not be fatal to your application if compensated with other sturdy components of your application.

Is 263 a Bad GRE Score?

Defining what qualifies as a ‘bad’ GRE score can be quite complex, largely because it’s somewhat subjective. However, generally, a low, or ‘bad,’ GRE score is typically one that lies significantly below your intended graduate programs’ median score.

Understanding Low Scores

In terms of raw scores, a low GRE score is often cited to be in the 25th percentile or lower. In practical terms, this equates to a scaled score of about 145 for Verbal Reasoning and 147 for Quantitative Reasoning.

These scores are both below the 263 GRE score level. So, while 263 might be seen as subpar in the context of certain programs, it wouldn’t generally be classified as a deficient or ‘bad’ score.

Considering Individual Section Scores

When it comes to individual section scores, how do Verbal and Quantitative scores in the 263 range weigh in? If you consider that the 263 score is split relatively evenly between the two sections, say 132 for Verbal and 131 for Quantitative, both these scores fall below the cited scores for the 25th percentile. Consequently, these would be seen as low scores.

However, should one section perform disproportionately better, that might paint a different picture. For example, a score of 145 in Verbal Reasoning (right around the 25th percentile) combined with a 118 in Quantitative Reasoning (far below average, yet possible) would still total up to a combined score of 263.

263 GRE Score Percentile

The percentile rank of your GRE score is a pivotal element in gauging how your prowess compares to that of other candidates. It provides information detailing what percentage of test-takers had the same score, or lower. The GRE score percentile differs based on the sections, that is, Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning. Hence, a 263 GRE score – when divided between these two components – will have two varying percentile ranks.

Knowing the Percentile

For example, imagine your combined score of 263 was made up of a Verbal Reasoning score of 132 (a 1st percentile score) and a Quantitative Reasoning score of 131 (a 3rd percentile score). These are both considerably far from the average percentiles of 49% for Verbal and 46% for Quantitative.

So while a score of 132 in Verbal Reasoning might place you above a small fraction of test-takers, a majority would outperform you by this measure. Similarly, a score of 131 in Quantitative Reasoning also puts you on the lower scale, performing better than merely 3% of test-takers.

Improving Percentile

Keep in mind that these numbers aren’t stagnant. Studies show that focused studying, practice tests, and targeted test preparation can help boost your score by several points. So if you’re not satisfied with your GRE score percentile, don’t lose heart. With dedication, effort, and targeted test prep strategies, there’s plenty of room for improvement.

Perfect, let’s deep-dive into opportunities when applying to business schools with a 263 GRE score and strategize on how to embrace this score.

Can You Get into Business School with a 263 GRE Score?

Charting the path to admission to business school transcends solely academic capabilities; non-academic factors like leadership potential, work experience, and ability to contribute remarkably to the institution are also key considerations. Therefore, while a higher GRE score does increase the probability of admission, a GRE score of 263 doesn’t outrightly disqualify a candidate. Certain business schools might consider candidates with such scores, depending on other strengths in their applications.

Alternative Admission Criteria

Remember that while an impressive GRE score can be a distinguished feather in your cap, other criteria can help you shine amidst pools of applicants at business schools. These factors can be classified broadly into two:

  • Academic Measures: Undergraduate performance measures like GPA, honors, and the reputation of your Alma Mater may affect your chances of attaining admission.
  • Non-academic Measures: These encompass a host of elements, including but not limited to work experience, extracurricular activities, leadership experience, community service, personal traits, and the potential for leadership in the future.

Possible Business Schools

Data from incoming classes at various institutions indicate that candidates with GRE scores around the 263 range might receive considerations at schools like Indiana University Kelley School of Business and Fisher College of Business. Generally, schools with lower competitive cut-offs may be open to applicants with 263 GRE score, provided other aspects of their applications are compelling.

Should You Cancel a 263 GRE Score?

The decision to cancel your GRE score largely depends on several factors. Foremost among these is the comparative analysis of your score against the median score at your dream school. If your 263 GRE score is significantly lower than the median of your target schools, cancellation and subsequent retaking might be a wise choice.

Prospective Risks of Cancellation

However, before deciding to cancel your score, consider the following:

  1. Cancellation Deadline: You can only choose to cancel your score immediately after completing the GRE and before viewing your scores. Once you decide to view your score, the option to cancel is lost.
  2. Retaking the GRE: Though the ETS allows five takes within a continuous rolling 12-months period, it comes with financial, time, and preparation considerations.
  3. Risk of Lower Score: There’s always a slight chance of scoring lower in your retake.

To Cancel or Not

Given the average combined GRE score is approximately 303, and a competitive score is considered to be around 322, a 263 score might be an indicator that you should consider retaking the GRE. However, it’s crucial to weigh this decision against factors like your programs’ expectations, other strong aspects of your application, the cost and time associated with a retake.

Tips to Improve your 263 GRE Score

If you’ve received a 263 GRE score and are contemplating how to elevate this score, strategic preparation could be your game-changer. Here are pragmatic steps poised to make a difference:

  • Analyze your performance: Invest the time necessary to outline your strengths and areas requiring improvement. This can guide your study efforts and make your preparation more targeted and efficient.
  • Prioritize sections: Focus your energies on the sections where you can make the most significant improvements. This may be particularly applicable if one section (Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning) pulled down your combined score significantly.
  • Leverage reliable resources: Use reputable preparation material. This includes ETS’ official GRE guide, Manhattan Prep’s GRE strategy guides, and quality online resources.
  • Regular Assessments: Regular mock tests allow you to assess your progress and adjust your strategies.

263 GRE Score to GMAT

Translating a 263 GRE score to a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score is not straightforward due to stark differences in test structures and scoring systems.

Scoring Systems

The GMAT’s total score ranges from 200 to 800, a different scale from the GRE’s 260 to 340. Furthermore, the GMAT does not count the Analytical Writing Assessment and Integrated Reasoning scores in the total cumulative score, contrary to the GRE’s total score which includes Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections.

Conversion Limitations

Based on ETS’s GRE to GMAT conversion tool, a combined GRE score of 263 doesn’t have a corresponding GMAT score because the minimum GRE score on the chart is 270, equivalent to a GMAT score of 220. This underlines that the two tests assess different abilities, and applicants should choose the test that best aligns with their strengths and suits their target graduate programs.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

It’s pertinent to embrace your 263 GRE score and navigate the journey ahead strategically. Although it may not come across as an outstanding score, it’s not devoid of opportunities. Remember that a host of elements determine the business school journey—from GPA and work experience to personal essays—therein lies your opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

Retaking the GRE

Consider retaking the exam if you feel you’re not adequately represented by your current score. Build on a study plan, improve your weaknesses, capitalize on your strengths, and try again.

Focusing On Non-GRE Application Factors

If you decide that your existing score appropriately portrays your abilities, concentrate on enhancing other aspects of your application. You can successfully compensate for a lower score by excelling in the remaining areas of your application:

  • Professional Experience: Showcase your leadership skills, professional development, achievements, and the relevance of your career goals
  • Academics: Highlight your academic achievements and awards
  • Recommendation Letters: Select recommenders who can thoroughly vouch for your potential
  • Personal Essays: Express your personal strength, what makes you unique and why you aspire to join the specific program

The 263 GRE score is not final nor fatal to your dreams of business school. Strategically plan your next steps towards your business school journey, and remember: every GRE score is an opportunity for growth and learning.

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