299 GRE Score – Is 299 a Good GRE Score?

Wondering where a 299 GRE Score stands? You’re in the right place.

  • Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: The GRE scale ranges from 260 to 340, and we’ll break down where a score of 299 fits in.
  • Is 299 a Good or Bad GRE Score?: We’ll examine this from multiple perspectives, considering both the raw score and percentile.
  • Tips to Improve Your 299 GRE Score: Regardless of where you currently stand, improvement is always possible, and we’ll provide strategies to achieve this.

Let’s navigate the path of a 299 GRE Score and what it means for your graduate school journey.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) plays a key role in the assessment during the admissions process for numerous postgraduate schools. To best understand and strategically react to your 299 GRE score, it’s crucial to first understand the GRE scoring parameters.

The GRE is composed of three sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing, with the first two scoring pairs of scores between 130 to 170 and the latter being rated from 0 to 6.

The GRE Scoring Breakdown

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections each carry a possible score between 130 to 170. Together, these scores are combined to provide the final composite score, ranging from 260 to 340 – the closely watched ‘big number’. In contrast, the Analytical Writing section operates on a scale of 0 to 6. Each essay in this segment is assessed by trained graders and an automated essay-scoring engine, and the overall score represents the average of the two essays.

  • Verbal Reasoning scores: Analysis of reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence.
  • Quantitative Reasoning scores: Assessment of basic math skills and problem-solving.
  • Analytical Writing scores: Test of writing quality and critical thinking skills through two essays.

Assessing Your 299 GRE Score

So, where does a 299 GRE score stand in this range? In terms of the total composite score, a 299 falls closer to the mid-point. Given that each individual section (Verbal and Quantitative) can score up to 170, a midway score of 150 for each would total to 300. Thus, breaking it down, your 299 score is likely a combination of two sub-scores that hovered just below the halfway point. This suggests a balanced performance but leaves room for improvement to shift towards more competitive scores.

Is 299 a Good GRE Score?

To comprehend if a 299 score is substantial or not, the varying benchmarks for a ‘good’ GRE score must be scrutinized. Although the definition of a ‘good’ GRE score is subjective and dependent on the standards of the specific graduate schools or programs, there are still average numbers to draw upon.

Average GRE Scores

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) offers both mean and standard deviation for the GRE scores. As of the last few years, the mean scores for Verbal and Quantitative reasoning lie between 150 and 152 respectively. The mid-way score for both sections equates to 300, which suggests that a 299 GRE score is hovering at the boundary of an average performance.

How Does a 299 Score Match Up?

Even though a 299 score sits slightly below the average, it does not negate its value. Acceptance into graduate school isn’t solely about your GRE scores. Schools also examine your overall academic record, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and sometimes, field-specific experiences or projects. So, don’t be disheartened. A 299 score implies you have a solid mastery of the skills the GRE tests and can be competitive depending upon the requirements of the programs you are targeting.

Is 299 a Bad GRE Score?

A ‘bad’ GRE score is usually regarded as one which falls in the lower percentiles, typically the 25th percentile or lower. In that case, a score around 145 and below could be classified as ‘bad.’ However, a 299 GRE score sits well above this benchmark. But it’s worth noting that what is considered as a ‘bad’ score can change according to the perspective of different programs.

When Can a 299 Score Be Considered Low?

While a score of 299 is not ‘bad’ per se, it might not always be sufficient. The competitiveness of your score depends on the specifics of the graduate programs you’re applying for. In some cases, a 299 score might be seen as less competitive for programs demanding higher average GRE scores. It’s, therefore, advisable to always research your chosen programs’ average GRE scores.

299 GRE Score Percentile

The percentile rank of your GRE score essentially tells you what percentage of test takers you outscored. Understanding this can give you a clearer sense of how your 299 GRE score corresponds to other test-takers.

What Percentile is a 299 GRE Score?

As per the ETS data, a 299 composite score could fall approximately in the 35-40th percentile. This suggests that with a 299 GRE score, you’ve outscored 35-40% of all GRE test-takers. Though not in the top percentiles, it’s still a sizable proportion and illustrates your relative strength compared to other test-takers.

How Hard Is It to Get a 299 GRE Score?

The challenge or ease of securing a 299 GRE score depends largely on your preparation, understanding of the exam and its structure, your confidence level and the strategies you employ while taking the test.

Required Skills and Knowledge

Achieving a 299 score requires a sound grasp of the basic concepts tested in the GRE and a well-rounded skill set to handle a variety of questions under time pressure.

  1. Verbal Reasoning: Requires a good vocabulary and skills to analyze written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, and recognize relationships among words and concepts.
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: Measures problem-solving ability using basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.
  3. Analytical Writing: Demands skills to articulate complex ideas effectively and with clarity, support ideas with relevant reasons and examples, examine claims and accompanying evidence, sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion, and control the elements of standard written English.

Preparing for the Test

Securing a 299 is not overly onerous if you’re well-prepared. It involves systematically covering all the concepts, regularly practicing a wide array of questions, diligently revising, and taking several full-length mock tests to sharpen your test-taking strategies. Understanding the format of the test, the type of questions asked, and how to manage your time effectively is also a key part of your preparation.

Above all, the key to performing well on the GRE is maintaining a steady, disciplined approach to your preparation. A 299 score is obtainable; it just requires dedicated work and effective strategy. Identifying your weaknesses and targeting them for improvement can make a significant difference to your overall score. You can take steps to ensure the exam plays to your strengths, making it easier to achieve your target score.

Can You Get Into Business School With a 299 GRE Score?

When evaluating the feasibility of getting into a business school with a 299 GRE score, it’s imperative to frame your assessment within the broader admission process. Remember, your GRE score is only one element in your complete application package. So can you get into a business school with a 299 GRE score? Well, yes! Though it may be less common, it certainly is possible, especially when other aspects of your application are strong.

Business Schools’ GRE Score Range

Admissions to business schools are not solely hinged on GRE scores. Business schools assess a holistic view of candidates, taking into consideration various factors including academic achievements, work experience, letters of recommendation, and personal essays.

However, setting realistic expectations is essential. To put things into perspective, the average GRE scores for incoming students at the top 50 business schools usually fall between 310 and 330. Your 299 GRE score falls below this range, which suggests you may have to compensate with other strong elements in your application or consider applying to programs where your score is within or above the average accepted scores.

Ways to Reinforce Your Application

Even with a GRE score of 299, there are capitals to leverage and strengthen your business school application:

  • Academic achievements: Evidence of strong academic performance can be an excellent counterbalance to a relatively lower GRE score. Admissions committees appreciate candidates who have consistently demonstrated dedication to their studies, as seen in the form of high GPA scores, successful completion of challenging coursework, academic awards or achievements, published research, or a history of overcoming academic challenges.
  • Work experience: Real-world experiences related to the field you’re planning to specialize in or experiences showcasing leadership roles can fortify your application. It illustrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge, your maturity, dedication, and ability to work in team setups.
  • Impressive reference letters: Glowing recommendations from professors, advisors, or managers can add weight to your application. If those people can vouch for you in terms of capability and potential, it demonstrates you can survive and thrive in the challenging business school environment, despite a lower GRE score.
  • Exceptional personal essay: An eloquently written personal essay that authentically portrays your journey, passion, aspirations, or potential can leave a memorable impression on the admissions committee and help your application stand out amongst others. This space allows you to argue why you believe you can succeed at their program, regardless of your lower GRE score.
  • Extracurricular activities: Leadership roles in clubs, non-profits, or other organizations, along with other extracurricular activities and hobbies add another dimension to your profile. They are proof of your diverse interests and your ability to balance multiple commitments.

Should You Cancel a 299 GRE Score?

The decision on whether to cancel a 299 GRE score depends on a host of factors. The choice to cancel largely depends on the programs you’re targeting and your readiness to retake the test.

When To Consider Cancellation

You might want to consider canceling your GRE score when:

  1. Your score is significantly lower than the required or average scores of your chosen program: If the average GRE score required by the program you’re interested in is, say, 325 and you’ve scored 299, you should contemplate canceling and retake the test.
  2. You’re absolutely confident you can achieve a higher score on a retake: If your score on the actual test felt significantly lower than your scores in practice tests or mocks and you are certain you can perform better, consider retaking the test and canceling your current score.

Reasons to Hold On To Your 299 GRE Score

You should consider holding on to your 299 GRE score when:

  • The score is in the acceptability range for your chosen program: If 299 is not far from the average GRE scores at your targeted programs, hold on to it.
  • You’ve run out of retake attempts or time: The GRE has a limit on the number of times you can take the exam in a calendar year (5 times a year as per ETS). If you have reached this limit or are running against application deadlines, it would be best to keep your existing score.
  • No guarantee of a better score: If the difference between your actual score and the expected score is minimal or you feel uncertain about improving your score dramatically on a retake, it might be best to use your 299 score, and focus on strengthening other aspects of your application instead.

Tips to Improve Your 299 GRE Score

A 299 GRE score is not the end of the road. There is ample scope for improvement if you follow a focused study plan, use targeted strategies, and remain consistently motivated. Here are some actionable measures:

Understand Your Weakness

The first step to improve your GRE score is to understand exactly why you got a 299. This requires a careful analysis of your test results. This will give you a great start on a study plan by showing you which areas you need to concentrate on.

Have a Study Plan

Once you’ve identified your weak areas, build a study plan specifically tailored to address these. Spend more time on areas you find hard and less time on those you’re confident in. Regular practice, revision, and mock tests should be your plan’s integral parts.

Build Stronger Test-Taking Strategies

Your study plan should also incorporate strategies on tackling different question types, managing time effectively while maintaining accuracy, staying calm under test pressure, and efficiently tackling difficult or unfamiliar problems.

Use Reliable Study Materials

There are several quality study guides, textbooks, online resources, and official practice questions for GRE preparation. Utilize these resources effectively and selectively, without getting overwhelmed by the plethora of available materials.

Consider a Tutor or Prep Course

If you’re struggling with self-preparation, returning to school after a long hiatus, or desire more structure in your study plan, consider investing in a reputable GRE prep course or a tutor. This can provide a much-needed boost and guidance to your preparation.

299 GRE Score to GMAT

Converting your GRE score to a GMAT score is not a linear process, as both tests measure different skills and operate on different scoring scales. However, if you’re considering business schools that accept both scores, understanding a rough equivalent can provide interesting insights.


As per the official GRE comparison tool by ETS, a 299 GRE score equates approximately to a GMAT score of around 470. This might seem relatively low compared to the average GMAT scores at top business schools, which range between 650 and 730. However, it’s important to note that schools which accept both GRE and GMAT scores understand the differences in the tests and scoring systems and will evaluate your scores accordingly.

What Does the Conversion Mean?

While the GMAT to GRE score conversion is not an exact science and should be used only as a guideline, it does indicate how your proficiency on a GRE scale might be interpreted on a GMAT scale. The fact your GRE score converts to a lower GMAT score essentially means that to be seen as competitive, your GRE score especially, needs to be higher for business school applications.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

In conclusion, a 299 GRE score is not an insurmountable obstacle in your path to graduate school. It’s a commencement, a starting point of the admission process lined up ahead.

The interpretation of this score relies heavily on the specific requirements of your target school or program. While it may be considered as slightly below average, it’s in no way a ‘bad’ score. With proper understanding and strategic planning, this hurdle can be surpassed.

Ultimately, remember that your GRE score is just one part of your application. You have several other realms in your application to showcase your competencies, passion, and determination. Irrespective of the number on your GRE score report, the ability to spotlight your unique strengths and potential will make your application triumphant.

So, continue to work towards your goal, never stop learning, and remember, your 299 GRE Score is just the beginning of your academic story.

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