339 GRE Score – Is 339 a Good GRE Score?

Achieving a 339 GRE score is an impressive feat. Let’s examine exactly what this score means:

  • Understanding the 339 GRE Score: We’ll explain how the GRE score is broken down and how a 339 GRE score rates.
  • Impact of a 339 GRE Score: How does a 339 GRE score impact your application to graduate programs?
  • Achieving a 339 GRE Score: What level of preparation and proficiency is needed to attain this high score?

In this guide, we’ll help you fully comprehend the implications of a 339 GRE score for your academic journey.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that plays a crucial role in the admissions process for most graduate programs in the United States and many others around the world. With ranges from 260 to 340, comprehending the GRE’s scoring scale happens to be a vital point of interest for every GRE aspirant.

The Basics: The GRE Sections and Scoring

The GRE contains three sections – Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.

  • Verbal Reasoning (VR): This section assesses your understanding of the English language, vocabulary, and capacity to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information from it. VL scores range from 130 to 170 in one-point increments.
  • Quantitative Reasoning (QR): QR tests your basic mathematical skills and understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, as well as your ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. Like VL, QR scores also range from 130 to 170.
  • Analytical Writing (AW): This section is much different in terms of scoring as it measures your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. Although it’s scored on a scale of 0 to 6, it also impacts your overall GRE score.

The sum of your scores from the VR and QR sections – which ranges from 260 to 340 – make up the total score.

Score Distribution Across Programs

Different graduate programs may prioritize one section over the other based on their specific requirements. For example, arts and humanities programs may place more emphasis on Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Writing scores, while STEM programs may prioritize scores in the Quantitative Reasoning section.

Is 339 a Good GRE Score?

The short answer – yes, a 339 GRE score is an excellent score! It places you within the top 1% of all test-takers.

However, understanding the implications fully requires a closer look at GRE scoring averages. According to the most recent ETS data, the average (mean) GRE scores are:

  • Verbal Reasoning: 150
  • Quantitative Reasoning: 153
  • Analytical Writing: 3.5

So, a 339 GRE score – obtained by achieving near-perfect scores in both the Verbal and the Quantitative sections – is significantly above the average and implies a very strong performance.

Comparing with the Mean

As per ETS data, a score of 339 is almost 43 points above the global mean GRE score of 296.3. This provides a comparison to the global averages which not only captures the national but also the international competition that the student would be up against.

Program-specific Requirements

Whether a 339 is a good GRE score also depends on the median scores of your target graduate school programs. Some programs might have average scores much higher than the global average.

Is 339 a Bad GRE Score?

Seems like an odd question to ask given the lofty mark but there are domains where even a 339 may not be the golden ticket. For some highly rigorous and competitive programs, especially at prestigious institutions, a high GRE score may still leave you slightly uncertain.

While a 339 is an exceptional score, graduate admissions are based on a holistic review. High GRE scores are typically a prerequisite, but admissions committees also scrutinize other components of your application such as GPA, recommendation letters, personal statements, and relevant work or research experience.

The Holistic Application Review Process

Programs requiring balanced scores: Despite a high total GRE score, some programs may require balanced section scores. A perfect Quantitative score coupled with a low Verbal score, resulting in a 339, can be a drawback for such programs.

339 GRE Score Percentile

A percentile score indicates the percentage of test takers that you scored better than. The higher your percentile, the more competitive your GRE score is compared to other test takers.

A 339 GRE score puts you in the 99th percentile. This means that you have outperformed about 99% of all test-takers, placing you amongst the top echelons of GRE test-takers globally.

Understanding Your Percentile Position

To give a reference point, a Verbal Reasoning score of 159 or a Quantitative Reasoning score of 163 would place you around the 80th percentile. If we consider this as a benchmark for a good score, a 339 score, pushing you way above this benchmark, can be seen as an extraordinary feat.

The 99th Percentile: an Exceptional Achievement

Being a part of the 99th percentile is a statement in itself. A 339 GRE score not only increases your chances for most programs but, for some, it may also increase your chances of securing scholarships or other financial aid. Therefore, these scores are considered extremely competitive and help your application stand out.

In conclusion, to secure a GRE score of 339 is a commendable feat, considering the testing skill range and percentile position. However, specific implications would vary depending on program requirements and average scores.

How Hard Is It to Get a 339 GRE Score?

Achieving a 339 score in the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) requires an aspirant to demonstrate a near-perfect performance in both Verbal Reasoning (VR) and Quantitative Reasoning (QR) sections. Without a doubt, attaining such excellence demands a high level of proficiency and dedicated preparation.

Proficiency level

  • Verbal Reasoning: To score high in the VR section, you need to excel in understanding complex texts and verbal/logical reasoning. A broad vocabulary, mastery of English grammar, and proficiency in reading comprehension are also key.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: This section requires a significant command over high school level math, including topics like algebra, arithmetic, geometry, and data analysis. You’ll need to comprehend quantitative information and interpret mathematical problems.

Level of preparation

Depending on factors such as your initial level of proficiency, learning speed, available study time, and so on, a disciplined, focused, and consistent study routine spanning several months is generally needed to score high in the GRE.

  1. Study Material: Begin by assembling high-quality materials. Official ETS materials, Manhattan GRE books, Magoosh’s GRE resources, Kaplan’s GRE prep plus, and the Official GRE® Super Power Pack are commonly recommended.
  2. Understanding Concepts: Next, ensure you understand the basic concepts tested in the GRE. This includes both the content of the Verbal and Quantitative sections and the format or structure of the test.
  3. Practice: Once conversant with the concepts, start solving practice questions. Leverage the ETS Powerprep software, which offers practice tests in the actual GRE format.
  4. Review: Review your performance periodically. Identify areas where you struggle and adjust your study plan accordingly.
  5. Test Prep Courses and Personal Tutors: If self-study isn’t helping, consider joining a GRE prep course or hiring a personal tutor.

Business Schools You Can Get into with a 339 GRE Score?

A high GRE score of 339 is a strong advantage when it comes to admissions to graduate programs. Top-tier programs across the world, especially business schools, have high average GRE scores, making a 339 GRE score extremely competitive.

Top-tier Business Schools

  • Stanford Graduate School of Business: Stanford GSB stands tall among the best in the world. The average GRE score for admitted students at Stanford GSB is around 330, meaning a 339 GRE score would put you well above their average.
  • Wharton School of Business: Recognized as one of the world’s leading business schools, the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School’s average GRE score for admitted students is about 324, again putting you above their average.

Other Prestigious Programs

Apart from Stanford and Wharton, other prestigious business schools and programs where a 339 GRE score would be highly competitive include Harvard Business School (average GRE score around 328), MIT Sloan (average GRE score around 326), and the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business (average GRE score around 326).

339 GRE Score to GMAT

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is another exam often accepted by business schools. Given how common both the tests are, it makes sense to draw a comparison between the two. To convert a GRE score to a corresponding GMAT score, we can use the GRE-to-GMAT Conversion Chart provided by ETS.

GMAT Equivalent of 339

According to the conversion chart, a GRE score of 339 corresponds to a GMAT score of approximately 790, which is remarkably high.

  1. Verbal Score: The equivalent GMAT Verbal scaled score would be around 45.
  2. Quantitative Score: The equivalent GMAT Quantitative scaled score is approximately 52.

Again, considering the average GMAT scores for students admitted to top business schools typically range between 705 and 730, a 339 GRE score (790 GMAT-equivalent) gives you a strong competitive edge.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

Whether you’ve already earned a 339 GRE score or you’re working towards that goal, understanding your score’s magnitude helps to plan your journey strategically. Aiming for such high scores requires dedication, comprehensive preparation, and rigorous practice.

Remember: Though a high GRE score is a significant asset, it’s not the only factor considered by admissions committees. An impressive academic record, unique experiences, and a compelling personal statement complement your application.

Finally, a high GRE score of 339 confidently places you among the top performers, increases your chances of admission into competitive business programs, and strengthens your candidacy for financial aid or scholarships. Embrace your hard work, celebrate your achievements, and use your high score as a strong platform to carry you towards your dreamed business school. Good luck!

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