264 GRE Score – Is 264 a Good GRE Score?

Curious about what a 264 GRE Score means for your grad school prospects?

  • Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: Discussing how the total score of 264 measures up in the larger context of GRE scoring range from 260 to 340.
  • Interpreting the score: Evaluating if 264 is considered a good or bad GRE score, and how it positions you in the percentile rankings.
  • GRE score and Graduate school admission: Looking at the potential implications of a 264 GRE score for business school applications and whether it’s worth cancelling.

Navigating the world of GRE scoring can be tricky, especially when analyzing specific scores like a 264 GRE Score.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is a standardized test that plays a crucial role in the admission process for most graduate schools in the United States and Canada. It’s designed to assesses your potential for academic success in graduate school, and it’s divided into three main sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Understanding the scoring scale and interpreting your GRE scores is vital in recognizing your potential for success in various graduate schools and programs.

Breakdown of the GRE Scoring Scale

The GRE scoring scale ranges from 260 to 340. The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections both have scores ranging from 130 to 170, each in 1-point increments, while the Analytical Writing section is scored on a scale of 0-6, in half-point increments. Importantly, the Raw Score (the number of questions you get right) from the Verbal and Quantitative sections are first converted into a Scaled Score before being presented to you. A 264 GRE score means you have combined the individual scores of the Verbal Reasoning section and the Quantitative Reasoning section, with this final score given out of 340.

Converting the Scaled Score to Percentile Rank

The scaled score is then converted into a percentile rank which compares your performance with that of other test takers. The percentile rank is particularly important as it gives a more complete idea of your overall performance in comparison to other test-takers and is useful in ascertaining your relative competitiveness.

Is 264 a Good GRE Score?

The GRE, like any standardized test, requires understanding what counts as a good score. A “good” score can differ from person to person depending on an individual’s unique circumstances, such as target schools and programs, GPA, work experience, recommendation letters, and personal essays. So, is 264 a good GRE score?

Average GRE Scores

The average GRE scores for all test-takers are approximately 150 for Verbal Reasoning, 153 for Quantitative Reasoning, and around 3.5 in Analytical Writing. This means the average combined GRE score is roughly 303. Given this, a score of 264 falls somewhat below the average composite GRE score.

Contextual Factors Affecting “Good” Score

While a 264 GRE score is lower than the average, in some contexts it may be more than enough. It’s essential to understand that the definition of a “good” GRE score can vary significantly depending on the specifics of personal academic goals and targeted graduate programs. Some graduate programs may place more emphasis on the specific section scores rather than the composite score. For example, Math-heavy programs might pay closer attention to Quantitative Reasoning scores.

Is 264 a Bad GRE Score?

To understand whether a 264 GRE score is a ‘bad’ score, it’s important to take into account the average scores across all test-takers and the percentiles for each score. A ‘bad’ score is often subjective and depends on the context.

Comparing With the Lower Threshold

A score of 264 may not be as high as many test takers would hope for. However, a ‘low’ or ‘bad’ GRE score is often considered to be around the 25th percentile, which is a scaled score of 145 for Verbal Reasoning and 147 for Quantitative Reasoning. Hence, a score of 264, while below average, isn’t as low as these thresholds and could potentially be accepted for some programs, particularly if the rest of your application is strong.

264 GRE Score Percentile

GRE test scores are typically reported in both a scaled score and a percentile rank. The percentile rank is an important part of the picture as it offers an understanding of the relative performance compared to all other test-takers.

Understanding Percentile Rankings

A percentile rank for a GRE score is the percentage of test-takers who scored lower than you. For example, if your percentile rank is 60, you scored better than 60% of the test-takers. Percentile ranks widely range from 99th percentile (almost everyone scored less than you) to 1st percentile (almost everyone scored more than you).

264 Score in Percentile

When comparing a score of 264 to GRE percentiles, it would be considered somewhat low. As we mentioned earlier, the median scores for Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning are around 150 and 153 respectively. Given this, a score of 264 would likely put you in a relatively low percentile rank, signifying that a significant proportion of other examinees scored higher. However, it’s important to remember that percentile rankings are relative and can shift from year to year depending on the performance of all GRE test-takers in that cycle.

Application Strength Beyond GRE Score

However, a lower percentile doesn’t have to spell disaster for your graduate school aspirations. Many schools employ a holistic approach when assessing applications. Other factors, such as your GPA, letters of recommendation, personal statement, and relevant work or research experiences, can also greatly influence your chance of admission to a program.


While a 264 GRE score currently falls below the average, it doesn’t definitively foreclose your chances of getting into a graduate program. Tailoring the rest of your application to emphasize your strengths and make a strong case for your potential can often balance out a lower score. Finally, remember that you can always choose to retake the GRE after some additional preparation if you’re not satisfied with your scores.

Can You Get into Business School with a 264 GRE Score?

Embarking on a journey to business school prompts the question: Can you get admitted with a 264 GRE score? The answer might vary considerably, given the diversity in requirements and competition across different programs.

Average GRE Scores for Top Business Schools

As a benchmark, analyzing the average GRE scores at prominent business schools can provide valuable insights. For instance, at Harvard Business School, the average GRE Verbal score for the admitted class sits around 163, while the average GRE Quantitative score is approximately 163 as well. This would amount to a combined score of 326, considerably higher than 264.

Similarly, other prestigious institutions like Stanford Graduate School of Business, Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT’s Sloan School of Management report average GRE scores well over 320.

Thus, based on these statistics, a GRE score of 264 may fall short for admissions in these highly competitive programs.

Holistic Admissions Review

Yet, it’s pivotal to remember that admissions decisions are not based solely on GRE scores. Schools look at a holistic set of factors, including undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, personal statement, resume, and interviews, among others.

The impact of academic accomplishments, leadership potential, entrepreneurial drive, interpersonal skills, and transformational experiences can be as influential as GRE scores. Hence, if other areas in your application are strong, a 264 GRE score may not necessarily preclude you from admission to all business schools.

Improving Your Chances with a 264 GRE Score

If your heart is set on business school, and your current GRE score is 264, there are strategies to strengthen your application. These strategies can leverage both your GRE score and the rest of your application.

Retaking the GRE

The most effective way to boost your chances would be to consider retaking the GRE. The test is setup so that individuals can take the test multiple times, and select the scores they want to send to grad schools.

However, retaking the GRE involves strategic planning and should not be done on a whim. Before making the decision, consider:

  1. Your test preparation: Review your last GRE attempt. Did you prepare well, or were there areas where you could have done better? Answers to these questions should guide your retaking decision.
  2. Your targeted schools and programs: Does your desired school focus heavily on GRE scores, or do they have a more holistic approach to their admissions process? If the former, retaking the GRE might be a suitable consideration.

Targeting Suitable Programs

A secret to successful grad school applications is carefully selecting the programs that match your profile best. Some schools, particularly regional or specialized ones, may have lower average GRE scores than those of renowned establishments. Research each program extensively, seek advice from alumni or admission consultants, and ensure that your program choices align with your GRE score and overall profile.

Strengthening Other Areas

Regardless of your GRE score, remember that all areas of your application matter. If you present a robust and coherent application in all other respects, a 264 GRE score may not necessarily overshadow it.

  • Experience & Achievements: Highlight your work experience, internships, or case studies where you displayed leadership acumen. Also, showcase distinctive achievements that reflect your ability to succeed in a demanding business school environment.
  • Academic Records: Use your undergraduate GPA and any other quantitative courses or certifications as proof of your academic abilitateness.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendation letters from credible sources can significantly elevate your application and counterbalance a subpar GRE score. Good recommendations can speak volumes about your competency, motivation, and potential.
  • Personal Essays & Interviews: Utilize these platforms to creatively share your story and goals, that can demonstrate your fitment with the business school.

264 GRE Score to GMAT

For those weighing between the GMAT and the GRE, how does a 264 GRE score equate to the GMAT?

Using the GRE to GMAT Conversion Chart

Educational Testing Service (ETS) developed a tool to provide a correlation between GRE and GMAT scores. According to this official GRE Comparison Tool for Business Schools, a combined GRE score of 264 roughly equates to a GMAT score around 200.

This conversion helps you compare your performance across both tests, but remember that it is an estimate. Graduate programs may view GMAT and GRE scores differently, and hence, the conversion should only be used as a broad guideline and not a definitive admission determinant.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

In the world of graduate admissions, GRE scores are undoubtedly important. However, they are not the singular defining factor. A GRE score of 264, while below average, can be supplemented with a topnotch application in other areas, or the aspirant could consider retaking the GRE for a higher score.

In conclusion, whether the GRE score is 264 or higher, the journey to business school requires a strategically planned application that goes beyond test scores. A tenacious push for success, backed by an effective study scheme and a winning application strategy, can help business school aspirants turn their dreams into reality. Remember, scores are a part of your story, but they certainly don’t define the whole tale. Let your strengths shine beyond your GRE score – remain undaunted, resilient, and keep galvanizing your dreams!

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