334 GRE Score – Is 334 a Good GRE Score?

Understanding where a 334 GRE Score falls on the GRE scoring scale could be a game-changer for aspirants aiming for the top spots in competitive graduate programs.

  • GRE Scoring Scale: The GRE score range from 260 to 340, with each section (Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning) scored between 130 and 170.
  • Is a 334 GRE Score Good or Bad?: Interpreting a 334 GRE score depends on the requirements of your targeted graduate program, as well as your performance in each GRE section.
  • Value of a 334 GRE Score for Business Schools: Prestigious business schools consider a high GRE score like 334 as an important factor for admissions, but it’s not the sole criterion.

Knowing the subtleties of a 334 GRE Score, its percentile rank, and how to make the best use of it can set the trajectory of your business school journey.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

Deconstructing the GRE Scoring Scale

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that graduate schools worldwide trust to assess an applicant’s readiness for post-graduate studies. It’s crucial to understand the GRE scoring system to appreciate the significance of a 334 GRE score fully.

The GRE considers three broad areas – Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. For both Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning, the lowest score attainable is 130, and the highest is 170. Analytical writing grades on a 0-6 scale. The composite score, the sum of Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning, can range from 260 to 340.

GRE Score Distribution

To appreciate the significance of a 334 in this context, let’s break down the scoring distribution. Scores in the mid-150s are considered average with a median Verbal Reasoning GRE score being 150 and the median Quantitative Reasoning being 153. Therefore, it’s clear that 334 (composed of 167 in each section) is a high-scoring result.

Is 334 a Good GRE Score?

Determining a Good Score

The concept of a “good” GRE score is subjective. Factors that determine it include the applicant’s target program, the admission requirements of the desired institution, and competition among other applicants. Nevertheless, broad guidelines can provide some clarity.

A candidate who scores a 334 in the GRE has shown high proficiency in both Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning, landing in the 99th percentile. This indicates that only 1% of all test-takers attain or exceed this score. So, unequivocally, a GRE score of 334 is excellent.

When is a 334 Needed?

Many graduate programs pay close attention to GRE scores when considering admission. Top-tier schools often seek students with above-average scores, and a 334 would certainly meet this criterion. For example, top business and engineering schools typically accept students with GRE scores in the 320 to 332 range. This means a 334 GRE score can make your application:

  • Stand out: Amidst fierce competition, having a high GRE score can make you distinguishable. This doesn’t guarantee acceptance, but helps you receive a nod for further steps like interviews.
  • Compensate for weaknesses: If your undergraduate GPA, work experience, or recommendation letters are less stellar, a high GRE score can counterbalance these aspects positively.

Is 334 a Bad GRE Score?

Here’s a Reality Check

While it’s difficult to perceive a 334 as a ‘bad’ GRE score, certain factors may undermine its value depending on the specific requirements of certain graduate programs. For example, if your Quantitative score is 168 and your Verbal is 166, but you’re applying to a graduate program in English which you know prioritizes higher Verbal scores, then you may see your score as inadequate.

Bear in mind, a low GRE score is typically considered to be around the 25th percentile or less. With 334 located way above this threshold, it’d be uncommon for it to be considered low for most programs.

334 GRE Score Percentile

Pertinent to understanding GRE scores is the concept of percentiles. A percentile represents the proportion of test takers who scored lower than a specified score. For instance, a candidate in the 99th percentile has a higher score than 99 percent of all test takers.

Assuming a score of 167 in both Verbal and Quantitative sections, a candidate would be in the 98th percentile for Verbal Reasoning and the 96th percentile for Quantitative Reasoning. This would place the candidate overall in the 99th percentile, making a composite score of 334 exceedingly competitive.

How Hard Is It to Get a 334 GRE Score?

Setting the Stage

Achieving a 334 GRE score is not easy. It involves scoring high on both the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections. Not all test takers will naturally excel in both sections, as one tends to play to certain mental strengths and academic backgrounds. For example, an English major may find the Verbal section simpler, while an Engineering major may gravitate towards the Quant section.


Earning a 334 on the GRE can require months of dedicated preparation.

  1. Study Plan: Create an effective study plan that ensures you cover all test contents thoroughly and systematically.
  2. Time Management: Learn to manage time effectively on the exam day.
  3. Mock Tests: Regular practice tests can help you become comfortable with the test format and build confidence.
  4. Focused Studying: Beyond general study, focus on your weaker areas for improvement.
  5. Mindset: Maintain a positive and persistent attitude throughout.

Your target score should reflect the requirements of your potential program and institution. If you’re aiming at top-tier universities, a score close to 334 would indeed be encouraged.

Can You Get into Business School with a 334 GRE Score?

GRE scores feature prominently in the admission process of most business schools, with a high score correlating to higher chances of getting admitted into a competitive program. However, it’s not the sole determinant as other factors like GPA, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose, also play a significant role.

Acceptance Rates and Average GRE Scores of Top Business Schools

Top-tier business schools such as Stanford Graduate School of Business, Wharton Business School, and Kellogg School of Management consistently list high average GRE scores for their admitted students.

  1. Stanford Graduate School of Business: The average GRE Verbal score for Stanford’s MBA program hovers around 165, and the average GRE Quantitative score around 165-166, with the total score being approximately 50 points less than 334.
  2. Wharton School of Business: The average score falls near 326, nearly 8 points short of 334.
  3. Kellogg School of Management: Admittance data suggests an average combined GRE score of about 326.

While the average scores of admitted students at these elite institutions fall short of a 334, the high end of the GRE scores of admitted students makes it clear: a 334 GRE score is not an overkill. It puts you at the top of the GRE scoring pool, thereby improving the likelihood of your acceptance into prestigious business programs.

The Bigger Picture: Beyond a 334 GRE Score

It’s important to note that getting into business school is not merely about scoring high on the GRE. The admissions committee often stresses a “holistic admissions process”. Your academic background, work experience, extra-curricular activities, contributions to community, personal essays, and letters of recommendation also stand out in the admissions procedure.

Should You Cancel a 334 GRE Score?

Making the decision to cancel a GRE score requires serious consideration, especially given that a 334 is a seriously competitive score. However, certain circumstances might necessitate such a course of action.

When to Consider Cancelling a GRE Score

At the outset, it’s worth noting that the act of canceling a GRE score removes the specific score from an applicant’s official graduate school report. Thus, a measure as drastic as canceling a 334 GRE score may only be worth considering under very specific circumstances.

  1. A “lopsided” score: If you scored highly on one section of the GRE but poorly on the other, despite the high composite score, graduate programs may view the imbalanced scores negatively.
  2. Specific program requirements: Schools have different program requirements. For instance, an English Literature program may regard a high Verbal score over a Quantitative score. However, with a 334, this is less likely to be the case, since a balanced 334 is still high, even if it’s imbalanced.

Generally speaking, applicants scoring in the 330 to 340 range shouldn’t cancel their scores unless there are highly specific circumstances and confidently believe that they can improve on a retake.

Tips to Improve Your 334 GRE Score

Scoring 334 on the GRE is an incredible achievement, and trying to improve this score might seem unnecessary. But if you’re convinced that there’s room for improvement, whether to increase your verbal score because you’re applying for an English program, or simply aiming to perfect your score, you can follow a few handy tips:

  1. Diagnose Your Test: Identify the type of questions that caused you to lose points.
  2. Focus on the Details: At this point, small changes can lead to large score improvements. So pay attention to small mistakes, missed shortcuts, verbose answers, and nuances in the question pattern.
  3. Selective Preparation: Focus mainly on your weak areas while ensuring you don’t lose touch with your strengths.
  4. Sit for Mock Tests: Regular mock tests can simulate exam conditions and help you understand the pace of the actual exam.
  5. Analyze, Improve, and Repeat: Make a habit of reviewing and learning from practice exercises, then implementing strategies in future practice.

334 GRE Score to GMAT

Many business schools accept either GRE or GMAT scores from applicants. In case you’re wondering how your 334 GRE score stacks up against GMAT scores, a conversion chart can provide an approximate estimate.

Converting GRE to GMAT

A 334 GRE Score roughly translates to a 760 GMAT Score, which is indeed an excellent score on the GMAT scale too. This score conversion is based on ETS’s GRE Comparison Tool for Business Schools.

To put this into context:

  1. Average GMAT Scores: The average GMAT scores for the top three business schools (Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg) routinely fall between 730 and 740.
  2. Score Percentiles: A GMAT score of 760 would put an applicant in the 99th percentile, which mirrors the percentile ranking of a 334 GRE score.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

A GRE score of 334 is undeniably impressive. It can set the stage for admission to a top-tier graduate program, including the world’s most prestigious business schools.

That said, it’s important to remember that while your GRE score is an integral part of your application, it isn’t the only parameter that counts. Other aspects of your profile including academic performance, professional achievements, leadership roles, and recommendation letters hold substantial weightage.

Take pride in your GRE score, but don’t turn a blind eye to the other facets of your application. Start shortlisting universities that fit your profile, gather your documents, and commence drafting your statements of purpose. With these steps, you can make your dream of studying at an esteemed business school a reality.

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