338 GRE Score – Is 338 a Good GRE Score?

Want to know what a 338 GRE Score entails? Let’s break it down.

  • Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340, your score can reveal more about your academic prowess than you think.
  • How Good is a 338 GRE Score?: Let’s compare it to average GRE scores and discuss what it indicates about your ability.
  • 338 GRE Score Percentile: Essential factors to consider when interpreting your GRE score.

Navigating your 338 GRE Score just got easier. Let’s explore.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

The Graduate Record Examination, often known as the GRE, is an exam designed to assess a person’s cognitive abilities in preparation for graduate school. Similar to how high school students take the SAT exam, those aspiring for post-baccalaureate programs usually take this exam to showcase their aptitude.

How the GRE is Scored

The GRE adopts a scoring system of 260-340 points. It constitutes of two primary portions: Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. Each portion is rated between 130 and 170 points. This means that the absolutely lowest score you can get on the GRE is a 260, and the maximum is a 340.

What Determines Your Score?

A few key factors come into play when determining your score. It’s not just a simple game of correct and incorrect answers:

  • Accuracy: The more questions answered correctly, the higher the score.
  • Adjustments for Difficulty: The level of difficulty of the section is also considered. This is because the GRE is a computer-adaptive test, meaning sections will adjust in difficulty based on a test taker’s performance.
  • Peer Comparisons: It’s not only your performance that counts – your score pairs with a comparison to other test takers’.

Title it correctly, and a 338 GRE score is sure to stand out!

Is 338 a Good GRE Score?

A potential 338 out of 340 is very much an achievement to celebrate! If you land up here, you’re aspiring for almost 100% perfection.

Average GRE Scores

As per the Examination Testing Service (ETS), the developers of the GRE exam, the approximate scores for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections are about 150 and 153 respectively. This is out of a maximum of 170 for each portion.

To put it in perspective:

  • Average Verbal Reasoning Score: 150
  • Average Quantitative Reasoning Score: 153

These scores combined tell us that the typical, or average, the GRE score is usually around 303. A 338 GRE score goes way beyond even the 99th percentile, lingering near the absolute top of the scoring range.

Good is Relative

A basis for defining a “good” GRE score is not absolute. It’s relative to specific factors:

  • Target: School Admissions Requirements: Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, for example, requires a minimum GRE score of 315. By meeting or exceeding this number, your score could be seen as excellent for this particular program.
  • Individual Academic and Professional Goals: Your perception of a “good” GRE score will depend on what you want to achieve from your score. Whether it’s securing a scholarship, getting an admission offer from a specific school, or increasing the competitiveness of your application, this will guide your definition of a good score.

Given these parameters, it’s evident that a 338 GRE score is stellar by any standard.

Is 338 a Bad GRE Score?

Upon assessing the average figures and percentiles, one thing is clear – a 338 GRE score is definitely not a “bad” score. This does not need further emphasis, especially given that 338 is second only to a perfect full score.

The Lower End of Scoring

To get a clearer perspective, let’s consider the 25th percentile, usually associated with a lower end scoring range. This correlates to approximate scores of 145 for Verbal Reasoning and 147 for Quantitative Reasoning.

So, if your score hovered around this area:

  • Verbal Reasoning Score: 145
  • Quantitative Reasoning Score: 147

You might deduce that you have a relatively low GRE score. Yet, even a “low” 292 score doesn’t constitute a “bad” score, as long as it aligns with your school’s requirements.

What Role Does Competitiveness Play?

You could argue that what’s regarded as an exceptional score for a majority of programs may be seen as just fitting the bill for some highly competitive programs with above-average GRE scores. It’s essential to identify your target schools and their average accepted scores to develop realistic expectations about them.

338 GRE Score Percentile

Percentile ranking is a gauge of how good your score is relative to all the people who took the same test. Essentially, it gives you an idea of the percentage of test takers you scored higher than.

Beyond Average: Scoring in the 90s

Obtaining a score of 338 is quite a feat and would place you in the top percentiles. In fact, you would be standing tall in the brilliancy of the 99th percentile, which refers to the top 1% of all test-takers globally. This means you outperformed 99% of them.

  • GRE Verbal and Quantitative percentiles: A perfect 170 score in either the Quantitative or Verbal reasoning sections would put you in the 97th percentile or higher.

This places you in an elite group and increases your chances of admission into highly ranked graduate schools. Nonetheless, remember that a high GRE score in itself does not guarantee admission. Schools consider a holistic set of aspects, including your GPA, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose.

How Hard Is It to Get a 338 GRE Score?

Getting a 338 GRE score is not an easy feat. It requires a rigorous level of preparation, practice, and understanding of GRE test skills. After all, you are striving to achieve nearly the maximum possible score on a test taken by thousands worldwide.

Typical GRE Scores

To put the difficulty of achieving a 338 score into perspective, let’s first look at what is considered typical for GRE scores:

  1. Average GRE scores: Typically, the average combined score for the GRE Quantitative and Verbal sections is about 303.
  2. Above-average GRE scores: For those aiming for more competitive programs, the score may need to be 320 or above.

Anything above 340 is considered an exceptional score, and a score of 338 puts you near perfection.

Required Preparation

Checking off a 338 GRE score from your list requires:

  1. A concrete study plan: To score this high, you’ll need to study consistently over an extended period. It’s advisable to create a study schedule that fits your lifestyle and learning style, enabling you to stay consistent.
  2. Mastering GRE test skills: Being good in verbal and quantitative reasoning is not enough to guarantee a high score; you must also master the skills needed to take the GRE exam.
  3. Multiple practice tests: The more practice tests, the higher the likelihood of understanding the test format and trimming down errors.
  4. Attention to time management: GRE, like other standard tests, is a timed test. Effective time management can significantly impact achieving a high score.

Business Schools You Can Get into with a 338 GRE Score

Scoring a 338 on the GRE opens up opportunities to apply to some of the highest-ranking business schools. However, please note that a high GRE score does not guarantee admission, but it plays a crucial role in your application.

Here are some business schools and average GRE scores of their current students:

  1. Stanford Graduate School of Business: Average GRE score 330
  2. Yale School of Management: Average GRE score 331

Please keep in mind that the GRE score is just one part of your application. Other components, such as academic records, letters of recommendation, and essays, can carry equal or even more weight depending on the institution’s admissions policy.

338 GRE Score to GMAT Conversion

Craving a comparison between your 338 GRE score and GMAT figures? The ETS (Educational Testing Service) has a Conversion Tool to help you.

A 338 GRE score is equivalent to a nearly perfect GMAT score of 790 out of 800. This comparison can be helpful if you’re considering taking both tests or are applying to business schools that accept either GRE or GMAT scores.

Converting GRE to GMAT Scores

The GRE’s Comparison Tool uses a statistical process known as ‘equating’ to determine a GMAT equivalent score. The process involves:

  • Assessing the difficulty of each GRE question
  • Evaluating the rarity of each GRE score

With these, the comparison tool provides an estimate of what a person might have scored on the GMAT based on their GRE score. So, if you’ve taken the GRE and are considering applying to programs requiring a GMAT score, this conversion tool is handy to give you an idea of where you stand.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embracing Your GRE Score & Planning Your Business School Journey

A perfect or near-perfect GRE score, such as 338, provides a competitive structure to your application to pursue your prospective business school journey. However, scores alone are contributors, but not sole determinants, of your admission decision.

How to Put Your Score in Perspective

Keep the following points in mind when setting goals around your GRE score:

  • How competitive are your target programs? Research typical GRE scores for accepted students at your target schools.
  • How balanced is your score? Both Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning scores matter.
  • Is the GRE your strong point? While GRE scores are important, they are only one component of your application.

Remember, achieving a high score, such as 338, is a great accomplishment and represents your abilities well. But selecting the right school should also involve looking at the facets such as academic philosophy, faculty, and culture of your target school.

Good luck with planning your business school journey. With hard work and preparation, you might just land that coveted 338, opening doors to an exciting academic journey.

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