270 GRE Score – Is 270 a Good GRE Score?

How does a 270 GRE Score impact your chances of admission into select programs?

  • Understanding the GRE score range: Learn about the GRE scoring scale that ranges from a minimum of 260 to a maximum of 340 and where a score of 270 stands.
  • Implications of a 270 GRE score: Is a 270 GRE score good enough or does it hinder your chances of admission? We discuss all aspects.
  • Tips to improve a 270 GRE Score: Discover effective strategies to enhance your 270 GRE score.

Navigating with a 270 GRE Score can be challenging, but strategic planning can help you reach your academic goals.

Understanding the GRE Scoring Scale: From 260 to 340

Introduction to the GRE Score Scale

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scoring system comprises a range from a minimum of 260 to a maximum of 340. This total is accrued from two individual segments, each having its own separate score — Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. Each of these ranges from 130 to 170, culminating in a combined possible score from 260 to a perfect 340.

How the Scoring System Works

  • Verbal Reasoning: This comprises two separate sections, each scored on a scale of 130-170, making the combined score range from 260 to 340.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Similar to Verbal Reasoning, this also consists of two separate sections, each scored on a similar scale, adding to the combined score.

Determining a “Good” Score

While the GRE scoring ranges from 260 to 340, the “good” score you should aim for depends on a variety of factors such as:

  1. Your personal goals
  2. The specific requirements of your target programs
  3. The score distributions of accepted students within your target programs.

It’s important to note that some programs might place more emphasis on one section (Verbal or Quantitative reasoning) over the other. Understanding the score preferences of your desired programs can help you better prepare for your GRE.

Is 270 a Good GRE Score?

Understanding Your Score

To comprehend whether a 270 is a good GRE score, we must first compare it to the average GRE scores. The typical score for Verbal Reasoning is around 150, while the average score for Quantitative reasoning stands at nearly 153. Consequently, the average combined score hovers around 303, significantly above the 270 mark.

Program Specific Scores

However, the “goodness” of a GRE score of 270 is relative and highly dependent on the programs and universities you’re applying to. For some programs, specifically those with lower average GRE scores among their accepted students, a 270 score could very well be competitive. It’s crucial that you research the average GRE scores of the accepted students in your desired programs to determine if a 270 GRE score aligns with their expectations.

Is 270 a Bad GRE Score?

Percentile Analysis

Considering the 25th percentile scores, which stand at 145 for Verbal and 147 for Quantitative Reasoning, a score of 270 can be defined as low. This is due to the fact that it falls significantly below these percentile scores.

Context and Relativity

If we perceive a “bad” score as one which is significantly below the median scores of your target graduate school programs and your desired educational institutions, a score of 270 might indeed be seen as ‘bad’. However, the concept of a bad score is very much context-dependent. For many highly competitive programs, the median scores for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections hover around 151 and 154, respectively, bringing the total to 305.

270 GRE Score Percentile

Lower Percentile Bracket

A GRE score of 270 would fall within the lower percentile rankings, surpassing only a small fraction of the test-takers. This means that uniqueness aside, a 270 GRE score might not sufficiently differentiate you from the majority of applicants.

Understanding Global Average

By contrast, the average GRE scores, boasting of approximately 150 for Verbal and 153 for Quantitative sections, represent the 50th percentile or the middle of the scoring pile. Comparing this percentile distribution with a 270 GRE score offers a valuable perspective on where you stand amid the global pool of GRE test-takers.

The Impact on Your Application

While a lower percentile score of 270 may not seem particularly flattering, it’s important not to lose heart. Your GRE score is just one variable in the larger equation of your graduate school application; other elements like your CV, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and prior academic performance can also wield significant influence over the admission decision.

Can You Get into Business School with a 270 GRE Score?


Getting admission into a business school with a 270 score might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not entirely impossible. Gaining entry into a business school involves a combination of several factors, one of which is the GRE score. Though the average GRE score falls significantly higher than 270, exceptions do happen and it’s essential to remember that each application is reviewed holistically.

Average Scores at Top Business Schools

The average GRE score for top business schools often crosses the 300 mark. For instance, the class of 2023 at the Stanford Graduate School of Business had an average GRE score of a staggering 330. Programs at Harvard, Yale, and MIT also boast high average GRE scores. Compared to these figures, a 270 score might seem deficient.

Beyond the Score: The Holistic Review Process

However, admissions committees look at more than just test scores. Your overall application package, including:

  • Undergraduate GPA: Academic performance during your bachelor’s degree plays a significant role.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Endorsements from professionals or academicians who know your capacities can have a positive impact.
  • Resume: Your work experience and accomplishments can showcase your professional skills.
  • Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement: This allows you to express your motivation, goals, and why you would be a good fit for the program.

Remember it’s not about one individual element, but the collective strength of all these components.

Should You Cancel a 270 GRE Score?

The Decision Matrix: To Cancel, or Not?

The key factor to consider when deciding on canceling or accepting a 270 score is the average GRE scores at your targeted institutions or programs. If their average GRE score significantly surpasses 270, re-taking the GRE might prove fruitful.

The Benefits of Retesting

With the median GRE scores for Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections standing at around 151 and 154 respectively, the combined median score is 305. This figure significantly surpasses a 270 GRE score. If retesting and committing to a dedicated GRE preparation plan can potentially boost your score closer to this mark, it may be worth a re-attempt.

Tips to Improve Your 270 GRE Score

Determining Your Target Score

Adjust your target GRE score based on your desired program. Aiming for a combined score above 306 – the sum of the average scores for the Verbal (150) and Quantitative (156) sections – could potentially place you above the global average, enhancing the competitiveness of your application.

Strategies to Boost Your Score

Several strategies can help boost your GRE score from 270 towards your target score. Here are a few:

  1. Understand the Test Structure: Familiarize yourself with the GRE test format. Understand the types of questions and the timing for each section.
  2. Focus on Your Weaknesses: Identify your weaknesses and focus your preparation on these areas. Use a study schedule to allocate time effectively.
  3. Practice with Realistic Materials: Use official ETS materials and full-length practice tests to gauge your progress. These resources provide an accurate idea of what to expect on the actual test.
  4. Review and Analyze Wrong Answers: After each practice test, thoroughly review and analyze incorrect answers. This strategy aids in understanding mistakes, improving performance, and refining strategies.

270 GRE Score to GMAT

Interpreting GRE Scores into GMAT

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) are two different standardized tests that many business schools accept. Understanding the translation of a 270 GRE score to a GMAT equivalent can be useful, especially for students considering either test. A 270 GRE score roughly corresponds to a GMAT score of 220.

Understanding the GMAT vs GRE Dilemma

By comparison, a perfect GRE score of 340 translates into the highest possible GMAT score of 800. Depending on your specific strengths in different areas of the Verbal and Quantitative sections, you may find that one test suits you better than the other. As a candidate, it’s wise to choose the test that plays to your strengths and showcases your skills in the best possible way to your target business schools.

GRE Scores 260 to 340

260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269
270 271 272 273 274
275 276 277 278 279
280 281 282 283 284
285 286 287 288 289
290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299
300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309
310 311 312 313 314
315 316 317 318 319
320 321 322 323 324
325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334
335 336 337 338 339

Conclusion: Embrace Your GRE Score & Plan Your Business School Journey

Looking at the Bigger Picture

Whether you earned a 270, 300, or 330 on the GRE, it’s vital to remember that this score is just one aspect of your overall application. Though important, your GRE score is not the sole determinant of your academic or professional success.

Emphasizing Other Application Components

Strong components such as a polished CV, well-articulated Statement of Purpose, and robust Letters of Recommendation can offer a comprehensive picture of your abilities, addressing any concerns around a 270 score. Balanced academic and professional experiences can counterbalance a less-than-ideal GRE score, making a compelling argument for your candidacy.

Performance on the GRE reflects only a part of your capability. Hence, it is crucial to leverage every aspect of your application to your advantage, building a compelling narrative that outweighs the potential downsides of a 270 score.

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